Tuesday, February 12, 2008

rome redux: the spatial difference allows me plenty of time to react

it's the coffee/cocktail conundrum we all wrestle with (consciously or not) around the 11:30 mark each morning. just buckle, and stop all the denial.
  • so many great quotes in here, it's UNmazing. on a side note, we fell over after standing on our heads--not even our hands--in 47 seconds, roughly. on another side note, we wish the beautiful poetic soul of this language could seep just a little into some scant american cultural edifice this year, the better the Empire shine for it, however briefly:
    “This isn’t the stuff of home runs, it’s about effectively harnessing the power from below to make contact with a strongly pitched ball and not be beaten by its strength.”
  • also, fuck the Cubs. we've hated you since you were in the NL East, and we attended Shea games in our youth--while people cheerily hung Cub-jerseyed teddy bears in effigy in the stands. yeah, we know you historically suck. and yeah, we know you now play in a wildcarded world, and not even in our division. but as you should know here at girthy, our hatred is never fleeting.
  • how to fix illegal immigration, once and for all--no jobs for anyone! and no carrots for you, silly humans.
  • you, uh, feel that stingin' in your chest, citizens? that's pride, fuckin' wicha. well, fuck pride. then, fuck it some more.
  • stock up on lollipops--lollipops for all! and keep on keeping them bitches outta the dugouts!
  • hail not just the repubs, citizens. enjoy your spying.
  • for the record, stan van gundy is the East's version of PJ. just a douchebag. and for fuck's sake, who did redick bang that you're not playing him over the shlubbs you're starting?
  • somebody better go find the Empire a Hitler, and soon. uh, a new one, please.


The Icepick said...

Any post that links to an article with a quote by Ron Swoboda is OK with me. Try to steal me gold? Bad Shillalah! Bad Swoboda!

Clarence said...

Moar! We want moar!