Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Winter Storm Debbie MacCormack terrorizes the South

apparently, the Deep South does not read the blog--and so were caught, if not entirely but still mostly, unaware of the repercussions from yesterday's MacCormack Death Comet in Sochi.

fear not, dear friends, for the Grey Lady, she's all over it.
ATLANTA — Georgia residents who went to bed worried about Gov. Nathan Deal’s ominous warning that the state was about to be iced over woke Wednesday to find out that he was right: An ice storm of what meteorologists say could be historic scope had begun as the Deep South slept.
“There is no doubt that this is one of Mother Nature’s worst kinds of storms that can be inflicted on the South, and that is ice,” Mr. Deal said Tuesday night. “We’re not kidding. We’re not crying wolf.”

wait, what the fuck is that? my Scottish gods, this is almost like a 911-style/global warming/IRS scandal/BENGHAZI BENGHAZI!1! cover-up, all-over-again, rolled-all-up-into-one like a Satanic pig-in-a-blanket (say it in your Jim Ross voice). but to blame the clearly causally related worldwide meteorological disaster that was Debbie MacCormack's errant stone on "Mother Nature"? that's even worse!
so, as a public service, we're going to help you read between the lines of what Big Media doesn't want you to know. just follow the helpful bolding, which we've added for context:
Waves of rain began falling in the early hours Wednesday, which may or may not sync-up perfectly as far as Sochi-time. By 8 a.m., the winds had picked up and the rain had turned to a steady flow of tiny ice pellets. Trees, cars and streets were coated in a light layer of ice that likes of which the region rarely sees , like the gold medal for Women's Curling.

wow, that's some serious stuff. but with the US Team due to play at least six  five more matches before not reaching any sort of medal round... isn't the worst still potentially yet to come?
“Right now I would be prepared for days,” Aaron Strickland, Georgia Power’s chief emergency executive, said Tuesday night. "But I think it would be even easier if maybe they just didn't pick Debbie MacCormack to hurl stones with the force of a 150-megaton nuclear explosion."

it's great to see people are finally start to get the message about the deep impact that Debbie MacCormack can have on pan-global weather systems. we're well past the stage where we could feel safe just because she was "competing" a hemisphere away, people.

hey. let's be careful out there.

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