Friday, February 14, 2014

The Hokkaido Penguin Job

you've had it happen to you, we're sure.

you wake up, pre-dawn, put on your Braveheart paint, sling on your kilt, and take a g'mornin' knocker off your jug.

then you set yerself down, settling in, sooo very excited to watch these chicks get all Eved:

and after the obligatory 10 minutes of trying to punch the NBC site in its virtual face, we're on!

then you find out that they're not only NOT curling in their zombie-blood-covered high school uniforms--but that they look like this.

man, Truman little Johnny had it right.

1 comment:

ca&johnny said...

My morning giggles from Jo Jo. Now I can go about my day! Also, am picturing you in your kilt!