Monday, February 10, 2014

Let the She-Curling Death Pool of Russia BEGIN (like 5 hours ago)...

ladies. gentlemen. corporations. people. friends.

here are your selections for our beloved quadrennial battle, held starting this morning on the subtropical frozen ice of Sochi, home of large, demon-eyed robot bears, flying children with amanda peet-'brows, double shitters, and 20 pounds of eye puss from bob costas' leakily-fucked skull.

so, have the fuck at it--and thank the almighty Freedom Jesus that Nelson got stuck with teh debs this year!

NOTE: for rules and regulations... well, check the post from four years ago.

1. all entries were on identical strips of paper, segregated by team and participant, separated into two sorting hats, and pulled in a double-blind draw, one by one, over speakerphone technology with the Floof.

2. the Judgment Cat also witnessed all proceedings--much like the Ernst & Young dudes at the NBA lottery, only with more claws.

Debes -- South Korea
The Duke -- Sweden
Big/Floof -- O, Canadia
Jimmy -- Denmark
Mike Nelson -- USA! USA! USA!
Joe -- Great Britain
Kwaaks -- China
Liz -- Switzerland
KC -- Japan
Vig -- Russia


The Icepick said...

Песня Берсерк. Вы должны увидеть его металлический лицо.

The Icepick said...

Pesnya Berserk . Vy dolzhny uvidet' yego metallicheskiy litso.

The Icepick said...


Our team song will be sung by Olaf, Jay and Silent Bob's Russian cousin. He speaks English but he can't not speak it good like we do. He's in a band called Fuck You Yankee Blue Jeans, or some shit. The song is Berserker.

You should see his metal face.

girthy said...

And so it begins...

Unknown said...


The Ледоруб (The Ice Ax?) said...

"Two men, enter the leaf of one man"?

