Thursday, February 20, 2014

Your final pipes and drums

not sure if you die-hards know this, but every curling match is started with the pipes and drums. this shit is Scottish, ya'know.

in Sochi, they got a 2x2 of pipes and drums, all gloriously be-kilted. it's nice, and reserved.

in Canadia--where the Curling Bros told us yesterday that ONE MEEEELION of the world's 1.1 million curlers actually live--it's a bit... more:

enjoy your finals, people.

UPDATE: no Curling Bros! they must be doing the non-existent men's finals. we get the schoolteacher guy who says take-oats and the "where is his accent from" dude instead, which is a net win.


ca&johnny said...

The best part was the pipes and drums and kilts and dancing! That's the way to start a gold medal round where the Canooks kick some Swedish ugly ass!

ca&johnny said...

End 9...big ugly Swedish bitch just blew it!! Choke, choke. Also, universal word, in any language, is HARD, HARD, HARD!!!!

girthy said...

wow, you watched it live!

what is it about teams that play Canada and get screwed by "mysterious" shit that happens to fall on the ice?

them dirty cheating wookies need to fucking groom, is what it is.

girthy said...

also: TEAM 159: please compile your medal-winning post so that it can appear on the front page here.

for reference, go back to last year's graceful note from the winner. that one will be hard, really hard, to beat.