Thursday, February 13, 2014

Today's Eve: Big Balls Edition

well, turns out that Eve really does have bigger stones than most. that's EXACTLY what we look for in our athlete-heroes at girthy. well, that--and this:
Gaze into that shit like the fuckin' Abyss.
if you want to really get a feel for how the educated talk about curling in the parlance of our times, read how the Canuckians write about it.

sounds so much cooler--even if their squad rink (it's called a rink, dummies!) is a quartet of shaggy Arctic harpybeasts, surviving off rotten seal blubber and the bloated carcasses of broken-down ice road trucker-types.


Unknown said...

Bonsai! Replay of Japan vs. US on CNBC right now so not actually reading your blog at all. But it looks nice.

Second Olympics running that I enjoyed a snow day and watched curling. Although this go around my dog bit me when I tried to put a team jersey on her. So no team mascot pics this year.


This day too shall live in infamy!*

*(Jim's contribution. I ran out of Japanese references after Bonsai and Arregato.)

girthy said...

"Fuck the Japanese."
--Harry S. Truman, 1945

also, there's nothing on here results-wise yet from this morning's matches, so you're free to read the various installments without fear of premature 切腹.

Unknown said...

In war-torn Japan, the Tokugawa Shogun, desperate to restore peace to his people, orders the assassination of the hostile warlords. A beautiful young woman is raised from birth with nine other orphans, to become an assassin. Her name is AZUMI, the ultimate assassin.

ca&johnny said...

Hey K, one of your she beast's father plays major league baseball, Fuckyamama. Dont think related to Daniel son or Mr. Miagee.

girthy said...

honestly, just choose the ball or the fucking sword already, will you?

ca&johnny said...

Hey , "fuck the Japanese" was a quote from "little Johnny",

Unknown said...

When the group comes of age, the master gives them one final test. He tells them to team up with the person to whom they feel closest. Then he tells them to kill that person, explaining that an assassin never gets to choose whom to kill.

The Ледоруб (The Ice Ax?) said...


Moya lyubov' k tebe tikayut chasy, Berzerker .

Khochesh' delayet yebat' , Berzerker.

The Ледоруб (The Ice Ax?) said...

Моя любовь к тебе тикают часы, Berzerker.

Хочешь делает ебать, Berzerker.